The second lifestyle carnival of the weekend! Again, I’m sorry!
Tushar @ Finance TUBE writes 10 Must-Have Mobile Apps for Holiday Shopping – Today I will be taking about 10 Must-Have Mobile Apps for Holiday Shopping. A recent survey show that 82 perfect of online shoppers will use shopping apps to save on Holiday gifts this year. They are trying to right to find right apps can be a challenge.
Rod @ ROD Blog writes Plastic Jungle Review : Buy gift cards for cheap – Is Plastic Jungle the best place to buy gift cards for cheap or get rid of a gift card you will never use? What are the benefits of Plastic Jungle?
TDB @ Tax Deduction Blog writes What to do if you miss the tax filing deadline? – IRS is one of most feared organization. What will happen if you miss the deadline to file for federal taxes? What can you do about it? Read more.
CAPI @ Creating a Passive Income writes Passive Income Selling Tickets – While highly unorthodox, I have stumbled across another potential source of passive income. While not purely passive, it is pretty close to it. The other day I was looking to buy sports tickets for me and another person. I really wanted to go to the game, but I couldn’t believe how early the tickets were The post Passive Income Selling Tickets appeared first on .
Steve @ Canadian Personal Finance writes Why are Canadian tax dollars are paying for the Bachelor reality show? – Did you know that your tax dollars help pay for a dating service for a CFL football player? Is this the best use of this money? I mean have you seen the Price is Right get government funding or shows like The Amazing Race get sponsorship from the government?
Pauline @ Reach Financial Independence writes 10 strange habits I have picked up living under the tropics – Since I have started living in Guatemala, my life has changed quite a bit, sometimes in ways I didn’t expect.
Sam @ writes 3 Ways to Travel with the Right Credit Card – Without adjusting your travel credit card habits, you risk the loss of potential savings.
Sam @ writes 3 Ways to Travel with the Right Credit Card – Without adjusting your travel credit card habits, you risk the loss of potential savings.
Cash Flow Mantra @ Cash Flow Mantra writes Happy Thanksgiving Plus – We are heading to Illinois to spend time with family, but have to make it a one day trip to get back to take care of the puppies which are six weeks old.
Veronica Hill @ Pelican on Money writes Ask the Readers – What Kind of Car do you Drive? – Curious to see what kind of cars personal finance bloggers drive? I was too, so I asked!
Mandy @ Money Master Mom @ writes Are you a witch, wizard, or middle class? – During a trip to Ghana Mandy learns how to distinguish a witch/wizard from regular folk.
Glen Craig @ Free From Broke writes How to Get FEMA Assistance – We’ve seen in the news, or first-hand even, the destructive effects of natural disasters. FEMA is the to assist for those affected. See what FEMA is and how to get FEMA assistance.
Penny Thots @ Penny Thots writes How to Eat Less Sugar – Eating too much sugar can help you to pile on the pounds but even if you’re not looking to lose weight anytime soon, there are some good reasons to look at how much sugar you eat and how you can cut back on your consumption.
Peter @ Bible Money Matters writes Take Care of Your Health Now to Grow and Preserve Your Wealth – Sure, money may be tight and we may think it is cheaper to grab a burger from the dollar menu, but have you thought of the effect of that choice as you make it over and over? Beyond the health implications, you could also be robbing your future self of wealth. Think that is overly dramatic? Consider the financial ways poor health can affect you:
David Bar @ Bar Whiz Blog writes Most Popular Drinks To Serve At A House Party – Whether you are trying to save money, or are just getting tired of the club scene night after night, weekend after awesome weekend, the classic house party is always a fun and inexpensive alternative to going out.
Savvy Scot @ The Savvy Scot writes On Presents, Presence and Happiness – Savvyscot discusses the evolution of giving and why getting a present is not all that it is cracked up to be in comparison with what else is on offer this Christmas.
Todd @ Fearless Men writes Gadgets Are Forever: The Best Financial James Bond Gadgets – This article is a fun read about how James Bond might manage his finances and what financial tools he’d use.
Lance @ Money Life and More writes 2013 401(k), IRA and Retirement Plan Contribution Limits – Great news! The IRS has announced their new retirement plan contribution limits for 2013 and they actually increased this year! If you already max out your retirement accounts you can contribute a bit more this year.
Rohit @ The Money Mail writes Ideas are nothing without execution – What has been holding you back from implementing your ideas? Lets explsore the barriers to execution
Jason @ Live Real Now writes Black Friday Eve – Today is Black Friday Eve. It’s the day when people gather around the table and gorge in preparation for the mighty battle to come on the fields of Wal-Mart. We won’t be participating this year.
Grand Per Month @ Grand Per Month writes Make a Grand Per Month Scrapping Metal – If you pick up a few cars and scrap them within the month, you could earn $1,000 in about 10 hours. That’s $100 an hour! I’d say that’s not too shabby! Now, if the cars aren’t rolling in, you’re going to want to focus your attention on washers and dryers. If you’re able to just pick up an average of 2.5 per week, you’ll certainly earn your $1,000, and your hourly wage will be somewhere around $60 an hour. That’s still a solid paycheck for a side gig!
Bryan @ writes What Is Whole Life Insurance? – Considering your family’s year-end finances? Contemplating buying life insurance, and want to know more about whole life insurance, one of the most popular types in the market? Learn about its features, investment options, rates, tax advantages, and pros and cons.
harry campbell @ Your Personal Finance Pro writes Employee Benefits: Do You Have the Option to Purchase Additional Vacation Days – A lot of people are talking about employee benefits right now. They are deciding which medical plan to choose(the answer should be HSA!), reviewing their investment choices and maybe even increasing their 401k contribution. But I’m here to talk about a different type of benefit today: vacation days. You might not think of purchasing vacation as a benefit since it’s akin to taking unpaid time off. But there are some financial and even mental/spiritual benefits to purchasing extra vacation
Derek Knight @ Freeat33 writes From Never Saved to Retired In Ten Years. This Is How! – Anyone Can Retire In Ten Years, Guaranteed. Check It Out.
Jenny @ TLIQ123 writes What Is Term Life Insurance? – Considering life insurance but unsure about the different types of policies? We focus on detailed explanations of the top term life policies, their features, and who should look into them.
Joe Cassandra @ 7Minute Entrepreneur writes 2 Intelligent Ways to Invest $100 – Everyone doesn’t have a lot of money to invest, but with just a $100, even the beginners can invest financially and in themselves!
Miss T. @ Prairie Eco Thrifter writes How to Re-Use Common Items – Below is a list of things I (or hubby) have personally saved and reused. Doing this is not only good for the environment, but it saves a lot of money over the years.
Maltier @ writes How To Save With Cheap Car Insurance Quotes – Reviewing your car insurance policy at the end of the year to see if you can lower your premiums and save next year? Learn about the discounts I get, average premiums in your state, and tips to get cheap rates.
Teacher Man @ My University Money writes Prepare for the Job Hunt Before You Graduate – Graduation will be here before you know it and you’ll start your job hunt. Whether you’re a senior, junior, sophomore or even a freshman, now is time to begin preparing for that day. Don’t put it off until your final semester, or even until your senior year.
Young @ Young And Thrifty writes How Much House Do You Really Need? – As a fairly lazy dude who isn’t a big fun of seeing his Saturdays spent doing housecleaning (and yes ladies, I am a modern man and do my fair share), all I could see in a large house was endless dusting and vacuuming.
James @ Free in Ten Years writes December challenge: Save Hot Water – In December I’m going to only shower with cold water in a crazy attempt to reduce my hot water consumption. I’m not sure I’ll last more than a single say, but it will save a heap of water and electricity.
Steve @ Ready To Quit My Job! writes Why You NEED to Quit Your Job RIGHT NOW! – The days are gone forever where you went to college, got a job that was not personally rewarding, worked at the same place for 40 years, retired and then got bored, depressed and finally died. You NEED to QUIT YOUR JOB, and start living life on your own terms.
Dividend Growth Investor @ Dividend Growth Investor writes Why dividend investors should never touch principal – As an income investor I focus on dividend stocks which regularly raise distributions. This ensures that my income keeps its purchasing power over time.
Jeremy @ Modest Money writes Personal Loans Aren�t Always Bad Debt – On other finance blogs I often hear people talk about personal loans as some evil thing that should be avoided at all costs. While there are definitely times when you should be avoiding borrowing money, you should not discount the potential to manage your finances with a personal loan.
Glen Craig @ Free From Broke writes 7 Ways to Be Frugal Right Now – Being frugal is a pretty easy way to help you reduce your expenses. This helps you stretch your dollar and save more. See 7 ways you can be frugal right now.
Glen @ Parenting Family Money writes Financial Considerations When Deciding How Many Kids to Have – It’s safe to say most couple like kids. But before you add to your family you need to consider your finances. There are many expenses that come with a child.
Robert @ My Multiple Income writes 3 Steps Towards Retirement Planning – There are numerous things that you should be trying to do to plan for your retirement.
Ian @ Frugal Rules writes Frugal Family: How I Sacrifice “Stuff” to Give My Kids Everything They Need – For anyone who is a parent, they will know that certain lifestyles are not possible after you become a parent. You also see that many of those things you have before parenthood are just things that can easily be lived without. Many times you do not recognize the sacrifices and your children are better off for it.
Kevin @ The Insurance Expert writes Best, Cheap Car Insurance Quotes – Car insurance is mandatory in the United States and most people don’t understand their coverage or how to get lower rates. With the help an expert, we discuss the factors that affect premiums and how you can get cheap auto insurance.
Gen Y @ Gen Y Finance Journey writes My Boyfriend Has Debt – Now What? – You just found our your new boyfriend has debt. Use these tips to figure out how to handle the situation.
David Leonhardt @ Self-Help Happiness Blog writes A Walk in the Woods – saving money and getting fit – Parenting tip: There are ways to make even a “boring” walk in the woods an exciting adventure that costs much less than a theme park or a movie.
Jordann @ Making Sense of Cents writes Stay Frugal This Winter – Winter is not one of my favourite seasons. I live in Canada and here, winter is a long, dark, cold season. The snow hits in December, and stays until April. Temperatures can go down to -35C (-31F) and stay there for weeks, and we measure the snow on the ground by feet, not inches or centimetres.
Marie @ Aging Bodies writes Pets are People Too! – Does someone on your holiday gift list own a pet? I’m betting several someones do. I also am betting that these folks dote on their pets just as they do their children (and sometimes more!). Ten or twenty years ago, I would have thought myself daft for buying Christmas gifts for someone’s pet. Yet now I do so!
eemusings @ NZ Muse writes Five good eats in Auckland – A few new places I’ve had the pleasure of dining at recently.