Hire me!

I write and I write all day long, regardless of whether or not someone’s paying me to. I think that you should pay me to write for your newspaper, website or blog — otherwise, I’ll write for someone else and they’ll get all my great article ideas.

Here are some things I’ve written:

And here are the top posts on my blog:

A complete list of where I’ve written can be found on my LinkedIn profile along with some super recommendations and endorsements.


What else have I done?

I’ve done more than most people do in a lifetime — I’ve got two college degrees, I’ve dropped out of law school, I’ve been to almost 30 countries and lived in four major cities in Canada. I moved to South Korea where I was likely the highest paid entry-level English teacher in the country and wrote and starred in a radio program. I had a job counting money and a job bouncing drunk guests out of a huge hotel and I’ve had a job babysitting printers.


What do I write about?

Money: I have an economics degree and can talk for hours about mortgage rates. I would give up my future-husband before I gave up spreadsheets. I do my taxes like three times every spring because I enjoy it so much. Let me write interesting money-related things for you!

Lifestyle: Despite evidence to the contrary, I do leave turn off my computer occasionally. I’ve traveled to almost every country in Europe and to some countries in Asia. I’ve been told that I’m a fantastic baker and soup-maker. I can knit and like to read and watch way too much TV. These are all things I can write about for you!

Other: I have better research skills than Siri. I can find any piece of data given enough time and I can learn things with such speed that I finished my bachelor’s degree in 2-ish years. Want an article about the eating habits of the Baltimore Ravens? Aside from that being my random-selected favourite football team, I know nothing about them. But I can 100% guarantee a fascinating article about it if you need one!


Too many blogs, too little time?

Luckily for you, I can manage blogs. I can manage twitter accounts and facebook pages and all that social media jazz. I’m witty and type-quickly and have five calendars and 21 pens on my desk right now. Organization is my middle name. Well, not really, but it’s better than my actual middle name so let’s pretend!

If you would like to hire me, please contact me via twitter or at contact@vanessasmoney.com.